Facing the True world Situation:


 "Until we understand where we are, and accept it, we will not be able to move forwards from it "
There was once a time when humankind, or what was at that time humankind, were not in ignorance of their heritage and nature as spiritual beings first and foremost.
Currently, however, most persons are in fact ignorant of that very truth; the very fundament of their life remains, for the most part, obscured to them.
Now, there are reasons for this. Without going into too much detail, let us say that over time, mankind invited into its sphere, from the broad realms of the cosmos, through protracted selfish choices, as a race; as a collective; certain forces and intelligences which are not at all beneficent, and in fact, are quite malevolent, as far as human spiritual realization and development are concerned.
This is due in part, to the nature of the lower worlds, which have a tendency to encourage selfishness (which is self preservation, and also the dominance of the desire nature over the spiritual nature) and ignorance of Higher things as a means of self protection; for the Immortal and eternal is perceived as a bane, a threat to the mortality which wishes itself preserved, as is its nature ("Where God is, the world is Not").
This is saying that the manifest world is endowed with a certain intelligence, being spawned, as it was, from the desire-wish of beings endowed with the Creative Power of the Divine. When this intelligence is allowed to gain dominance over the Will-Volition of the indwelling Divine Spirit, a situation of ignorance and forgetfulness results, whereby the world of form is perpetuated by the continued (and in this sense, somewhat coerced, due to ignorance) involvement of Divine Material; meaning the soul-spark of individuated beings; in the world of form.
In such a situation, beings act from the impulses stemming from their form-nature, their mortal being, and not the impulses of their Divinely Endowed Spirit : their Conscience.
Which is to say, the puppet master, the master of the Person: the Soul, becomes puppeteered by the puppet: the form nature.
Needless to say, this naturally results in a great and complicated quandary, due to the nature of the world which seeks to remind the soul of its Real Nature through the consequences of suffering resulting from actions stemming from the selfish lower nature.

With us so far?
The time at which mankind started to become ignorant of its inherent spiritual Nature, its Divine Heritage, was the time when the world of form (and this includes the temporary worlds which reside just beyond this realm, the worlds where most people go when their body perishes, to await a return to this sphere), the lower world, began to hold sway over the mind and heart of these beings.
Thus began the imprisonment of mankind.
Those powers and forces which i speak of, are a manifestation of this ignorance, which results in the apparent power of matter over spirit. This is due only to forgetfulness, on the level of the Soul, so to speak.
These powers and forces are the embodiment and personification; on gross material levels, as well as more subtle energetic levels; of the dominance and intelligence of the form-world, the world of continual change and transitoriness, the world of self-preservation, desire, fear, ignorance, darkness, and all of the polarities which result.
This form-world (including of course, the astral/feeling and mental spheres, which are commonly mistaken as 'spiritual') in which we reside is distinct from the Spiritual world in which the Divine Spirit resides.
That world is one of Perfection, it does not come and go, it does not have its opposite (though, in this world, the nature of the Divine Kingdom ever is related as a paradox, due to the inability of the thinking mind; the intellect; which is of the dualistic form nature, to comprehend what is beyond it) and it is continually illumined by the Light of the Divine Spirit.
Its hallmarks are Unity and Harmony, and these qualities may be reflected in the form world, when the form aspect is guided in totality by the Divine Spirit; while the nature of the form world naturally inclines towards individuation, self preservation and opposite forces (duality).
When there is total accord of ones being with the Divine Universe, there is no separate being, there is no love-hate, no pleasure-pain, no remember-forgetting, no light-darkness, except in the play of appearances, which to the Divinely Illumined indwelling Spirit is but a Play, a Movie, an appearance-Drama having no real substance.
Eventually, when such a complete accord is allowed to run its course, there is even a complete disappearance from the form-world entirely, and a return to that Other, Unified, Fulfilled and Complete Nature.
However, to the being entrapped within the illusions of materiality; the form-nature; the existence of the separate, individuated being; and the world of continual opposition and swinging from one opposite to the next, is very real.
It is the case that, at this time, the gross material nature of the lower worlds, the world whose nature is self-preservation and desire (which results in selfishness) holds sway over the soul of the majority of humankind.

Humanity is blind, and they cannot see that they are blind.


By Warren Sunkar

Your fall from awareness of your eternal nature into the illusion of separation was not a single event. It was gradual at first, a very subtle process. It began when you chose to retain a specific form of identity after the experience that had molded that identity had passed.      
Ken Carey The Third Millennium

Our physical material world holds true potentiality as to our divine soul unfoldment as a species as well as contortions and distortions as to the nature of our collective journey through these realms and cosmos.
People need to wake up and pay attention for if we as a race seek to inherit our true divine birthright, it is important for people to question the direction in which we seem to be "travelling". This includes the possibility of contortive future incarnations as a collective into the "realities" we are ourselves co-scripting.
Sometimes to see where we are going one needs to know where they stand.
Ancient allegories, myths and stories have often related to humanity a collective event alluding to a fall of our collective being into realms that we as a race were premature to experience or possibly not even meant for.
Today many people are realizing that somehow and some when, humanity shifted into identification with this physical material reality which is very far removed from the reality of our divine pre-history.
Gnostics have often hinted that what we perceive as the physical universe is in fact a realm in which humanity remains for the most part captive through a state of relativity and misidentification.
Through wrongful identification with our shadow selves (the personality/carnal nature/lower self) and misunderstanding the resonate field we exist within (Duality), humanity has been able to deeply complicate its predicament by misuse of its forces and intelligence. Thus has the  domination of our lower collective nature continue to involute to an ever deepening distortion of our "reality".
What has become known as The Fall still continues today!
As we seek to hold onto form life through our attention and identification at the expense of our divine nature, so do we corrupt our true divine potentiality.
The deeper complexities we will not get into in this piece! This is a somewhat simple explanation to a problem with real complexity and is but a loose conceptional framework to cast a little insight and light as to the extension of troubles we find ourselves in within our current collective situation.
However, despite what seems an impossible situation, divine servers have always subscribed that humanity does have a divine pedigree and through our intrinsic nature have the possibility to reconnect with our true divine reality and reawaken our divine beingness within this given organic matrix. Then through a transmutational and transfigurative process, move essentially to our original and destined vibratory reality.
Unknown to many upon the planet this process has been happening throughout the ages by certain personages and groups who have embarked upon The Way and gone home. The teachings of the Avatars have been proclaimed throughout humanity's collective history and the way lived by those astute enough to heed the inner call of their true divine nature.
Today, should those of humanity heed their divine calling they will find they have their own inner coordinates and capability to transcend the current situation with much assistance from divine intermediaries and intelligence! Engaging consciously and actively as participants in the TRUE divine plan.
The purpose of this piece is not to inspire theological debate but to open enquiry as to our true nature and the importance of gaining a deeper perspective of where we are, what we are and where we might go. Especially if we continue with our collective unconscious momentum and movement towards a transhumanist "reality" that in truth, most of humanity have no clear inner perspective upon.
As we neglect to heed true inner divine knowing and proceed to venerate matter and form we continue to involute and reflect ever distorted realities back upon ourselves. In misusing our creational abilities we have the real potentiality to take ourselves further into realms far from our true divine reality and into states that are very hard to come back from
To date, humanity has been aided by Divine Intelligence, enabling humanity to understand its time and space predicament and through its evolutionary capacities and sympathetic organic matrix enable it to find its way back home to its true divine cosmic origins. Our natural organic reality provides us with the means and opportunity to reawaken our divine potential and go the way home. However, through the domination of the lower mind and the misuse of our creative abilities, we lose our way and we now see a miscreant humanity seeking the total augmentation, control and blatant destruction of its organic reality.
Today’s transhumanist "reality" is but the deeper contortion and inversion of the true divine path and is but a signpost for a very hard and long journey back to our true divine home.
In these lower worlds we are subject to crystallization, degeneration and "I" sentiency. The concretion and adaptions of the lower mind lead to fundamental distortions as to our true soul identification and nature. With the loss of our inner knowing we are mostly unable to discern The Path and thus are subject to many confusions and distortions.
Today, society is experiencing an incessant push towards a transhumanist reality and new world order by certain individuals, groups and governments. As to the full agenda of these people who are guiding us towards these ends, we are as a race still relatively in the dark. Their tactics of subliminal manipulation, by-passing democratic processes and inhumane enforcement indicate their corruptive intent. The world ego with its "established authorities" seek to circumvent our inherent birthright having themselves misplaced their own identification with divine unity and lost themselves to involuted pathways.
However, today, due to the stimulation of the earth and humanity by certain cosmic energies we are gifted with the possibilities of understanding and working with these inflooding divine intelligences to co-creatively assist humanity with its re-identification to its true divine primordial unity! We have the potentiality to awaken from our mis-aligned perspectives into which we have fallen and to assist in the TRUE divine corrective process.
Here we need to shift our identification from our own personalized realities to our true soul nature.
Our biology and genetic potentiality flourish under the arriving waves of divine Love, awakening the consciousness of humanity. These new encodings are seeding the receptive and new life is emerging. This is today being played out through the intensifying dramas of the world ego.
It is time to embrace the change and your true inner potential....

Positively Confused!


You must stay positive, don’t be negative, don’t talk about evil things...put on a smile and everything will be alright! (The “New age” Mantra)

It has often raised an eyebrow here, that despite the current degenerating world conditions and the rising evil upon this planet, that there are still relatively few people who are willing to open their eyes to see or attempt to understand the true planetary situation.

Often, when certain people are speaking truthfully and openly about the inherent suffering or the evils being exposed within the human race, they have been accused of “negativity” or being “dark.” Again, when there is genuine discussion of the impending problems or tribulations which today we are all facing, most people seem to close up or turn away. There are others who when overhearing those talking about those manipulative forces that have seized control of the planet, consider it “evil” or “conspiracy theory” to talk about such things.

There must be a definite understanding as to what is meant here. One here is not saying we should dwell upon those shadows of earth or lose oneself to morbidity; this will lead only to depression and sickness. It is more the impulse of avoidance and deep mainstream denial of what is transpiring and what is truly happening within the collective that this piece is written for.

Let’s get strait to the point...

Since when has “spirituality” and “positivity” come at the expense of Truth?

Today there is so much talk about “being positive”, looking at the good side of things and avoiding the “bad”. In western society and particularly in the new age movement this associative exclusion has resulted in a lot of huggy, feely, fluffy and very surface “spirituality”. The lack of depth and misguidance of such people has become obvious and can make true seekers cringe as today they see a growing madness in their eyes of those who sound their various rallying cries such as “we are all One’ and “save the world”.

This is easily manipulated and played upon today by those world controllers who know where humanities reactionary impulses spawn from. They understand humanities many delusions about the nature of their reality, which is based upon mostly propagated fantasies and self deceptions.

Today under the increasing pressure of our planetary catharsis, many such “pro-active positivists” will find it harder to keep their positive expectations and perceptions thriving in the face of escalating world tension, confusion and darkness. In fact many will be unable to avoid swinging into their polar opposite which is depression, submission and even madness as the tempo of life is raised and certain truths become revealed. All this is because few come to truly understand the true nature of themselves and the reality which they find themselves in.

So from where does all this confusion arise?

The Blessed one said... it is because the ignorant cling to names, signs and ideas; as their minds move along these channels they feed on multiplicities of objects and fall into the notion of an ego-soul and what belongs to it; they make discriminations of good and bad among appearances and cling to the agreeable. As they thus cling there is a reversion to ignorance, and karma born of greed, anger and folly, is accumulated. As the accumulation of karma goes on they become imprisoned in a cocoon of discrimination and are thenceforth unable to free themselves from the round of birth and death. (The Lankavatara Sutra -Buddha)

Whenever we turn outside and cling to the illusory reality we fall deeper from what is real. Think of wayward humanity...In almost all our actions, thoughts and words we are constantly affirming and reinforcing our prison.

And what is that prison?

It is the self!  

It is the personality that is the lie...but esoterically the self is also the energies of what the personality thrives in. Its extension includes the collective world ego and even the world matrix itself!  It is misidentification with the fallen ego and the world it thrives in that causes so much confusion. It has all come about through a fallen relativity.

As we cast our world weary eyes across our vast and sprawling civilization we see a lost humanity revelling in it. In fact the new age has seemed to make a religion out of it!          Self, self, self...that is today’s “new age” religion!

Self Help, Self healing, Self enlightenment...the list goes on and on...all disguised as spiritual awakening!

Thus, that which keeps and feeds the self is seen as positive while all that is deemed a threat to our selves is negative, bad or evil! That which affirms our world of relativities and keeps humanity thriving is good while those who expose humanities inherent sufferings and deceits are labelled negative or dark. This is because in a world that revels in falsehood such people bring with them the deep pain of realization, that despite what we want this world to be or if we believe that we can make it better, it will always fall very short of the mark. That in our attempts to make this world an order that is acceptable to ourselves and god, we can only sink deeper into hell and suffering. This is because we live in a fallen order of reality!

So when one looks a little deeper-what are so many new agers and “positivists” fearing?

It is Divine truth!

This is the true anathema to this wayward world as it thrives in its illusions. This is the “great enemy” that the world ego is subconsciously arming itself against. For Truth is the destroyer of self and its ways. It is the unknowable, the ungraspable, the great “darkness” which the collective self and its keepers are waging its war against. Consuming themselves in their great fear as the new energies bring with them those divine intelligences and servers that threaten to undo them all!

Have you ever wondered why all True spiritual beings have been attacked, mistreated and scorned?   

In this involute world people fear to let go of their clinging to that is which outside them. They bury their heads in the sand and cannot let go of themselves and their small and petty worlds of relativity. In today’s rising world confusion and tension most of humanity are retreating deeper into self, thrusting themselves into their work, trivial pursuits, and entertainment. They even use “spirituality”, “truth seeking” even “world service” to achieve this aim! If they would be honest, they would see that all they are really doing is merely “self service” and are falling even deeper into the illusion no matter how well disguised their true intentions are from themselves and to each other.

To see the suffering, evils and wrongs of this world equates to failure for such people and mostly their denial protects them from exposing their deep inner wound! It is easy to observe today that many new agers seek to use “God”, “Truth” and “Spirituality” to feed themselves and their illusions. Their displays of goodness and spirituality are often just ways of obtaining self verification and affirmation by using their “Goodness” and “Love and Light" to achieve this end. By immersing themselves into the drama of so-called existence they avoid the essential, that this world is one great deception! It is the perpetuation of the great lie of fallen reality from whence come true evil, sickness and spiritual death.

In their affirming of this grand play and illusion, every day, humanity reinforces this archonic matrix reality by giving it substance and power over themselves.

Everyone is looking in the wrong direction.

Know there is no salvation “out there!”

The multitudes were wild with selfish thought; none recognized the rights and needs of any other one. The stronger pushed the weak aside, and trampled on them in their haste to be the first to get a blessing for himself. And Jesus said, Behold the cage of beasts untamed; a den of stinging vipers, maddened by their fiendish greed of selfish gain! I tell you, men, the benefits that come to men who see no further then themselves are baubles in the morning light; They are unreal; they pass away. (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ)


When man begins to realise his doom, his entanglement in the delusion of duality, there remains only one solution for him; he sees only one aim in life: to transcend the fallen world and return to the original Kingdom. He then begins to understand that every single action he performs in duality karmically strengthens the tie that binds him. He therefore clearly comprehends that if he is to rise above the fields of darkness he will have to radically revise his whole being, his disposition, his character and his habits. Consequently, he will stop all unnecessary actions in duality. However, before he is able to cease his habitual dualistic activity he must first neutralise his desiring and self-maintenance.
The earnest and informed spiritual aspirant will discontinue his futile seeking within the fallen world; he will lose his desire for 'something' or to be 'somewhere else' (in duality). For his interests should not simply be transferred to other things, and he should judge neither for nor against anything. Man will experience a great rest if his desires can be neutralised in this way.
Neutralising does not mean repressing. The candidate for Liberation must acquire an attitude that is equally devoid of like and dislike; he must remain perfectly vigilant, looking at facts and events in an objective way. By so doing, the candidate is placed before the gates of the Fundamental Reversal.
In order to fully understand the process of fundamental reversal or fundamental change, it is necessary to know exactly who we are. "Man, know thyself" is a primary requirement upon the Path of Salvation.
Who or what, then, is man?
The Microcosm
Man may be called a microcosm, as compared with the universe, which is called a macrocosm. So, in accord with the Hermetic maxim:"as above, so below", man is a small cosmos and the universe is a large cosmos, the two having many corresponding points of similarity. Thus, like the universe, man is a sphere of life containing a 'firmament' spangled with luminous points.
The microcosmic universe that is man is surrounded by an auric envelope called the lipika. Its border contains the constellation of the microcosm, and it is here that the luminous points, the stars, or lights of the microcosm are to be found. The lipika represents the sum total of powers and karmic attributes that are the result of previous existences. The lipika lights are magnetic foci which, according to their character, define the quality of man's microcosm; that is, they define the nature of the powers, matter and energies that are attracted and incorporated into the microcosmic system and so also into the personality. As are the lights, so is the personality.
In most people, the lipika lights or magnetic points are attuned only to the dualistic field of existence; the fallen, undivine universe where everything is perpetually dying.
The Respiration Field
Inside man's magnetic sphere is a region called the respiration field or field of manifestation, for in it man breathes, esoterically speaking, as he manifests himself. This region within the auric envelope is filled with magnetic lines of force running from the lipika lights to the material body of the temporary, mortal personality, which is you or me. The four vehicles - physical, etheric, astral and mental -  which together form the personality or lower self, are relatively small compared with the microcosmic sphere as a whole.
The Subtle Bodies
As is widely understood these days by those who are more occultly aware, our material body consists not only of the physical vehicle that we can see and touch, but also of more subtle bodies. As well as the three tangible states of the material body - gaseous, liquid and solid -  there are also four different grades of subtle matter that interpenetrate one another together with the material body itself. So our visible, material body is interpenetrated and surrounded by the etheric or vital body, which guides and controls the life processes of the material body. The etheric body consists of a tenuous substance, invisible to the non-clairvoyant eye, drawn from the life-field of the minor macrocosm, the Earth. The etheric body may be regarded as man's second vehicle of consciousness, being more subtle than the physical body.
Around and extending some distance beyond the etheric body, while also interpenetrating it, is the still more tenuous desire or astral body. In this body, our desires, emotions and feelings of attraction and repulsion are manifested and radiated outwards.
Surrounding the astral body, in turn, is the even more subtle mental body. Both the astral body and the mental body interpenetrate one another as well as the two lower vehicles of consciousness - the etheric and physical bodies. The mental body is concentrated mainly around the head and is involved in attracting and radiating all the energies and forces concerned with our thinking processes. It is not yet really mature in the majority of human beings on Earth today, so that in most people it is hardly possible to speak of a 'body' as such.
The Divine Spark
In the centre of the great majority of human microcosms is located the previously-mentioned sensitive spot: the divine spark or primordial atom.
The divine spark is the only pure element remaining in fallen, crystallised man. It is situated in the mathematical centre of the microcosm, and around it the various vehicles of the human personality are arranged. The location of the physical body in the centre of the microcosm is such that the divine spark is situated in the physical heart or, to be more exact, at the top of the right heart ventricle.

*  *  *

The entire human vehicular system is constructed from and interpenetrates the dualistic substance of the macrocosm, the fallen planet Earth. We draw our sustenance from this dualistic macrocosmic substance, feeding ourselves by eating, drinking and breathing.
However, there is another method of feeding whereby nourishment is psychically drawn from tenuous dualistic substances called ethers. This natural and (to most) unconscious form of feeding is very important but has never been known to official dualistic science.
Nevertheless, it is a fact that we assimilate psychic food from the unholy ethers of the dualistic primeval substance, in order to maintain our unholy dualistic personality (our I or lower self). These ethers contain all kinds of psychic food, both salutary and harmful, both good and bad. Yet in duality there is no real, fundamental difference between good and bad. They both have one and the same origin, as is clearly symbolised in the Holy Language by "the tree of knowledge of good and evil". They both have the same root system, from which both good and evil are manifested. More on this later.
Now, do we all assimilate every kind of psychic food from the ethers? No; each individual assimilates only a certain portion of it, depending upon the nature and quality of the lights he has burning in his lipika. For every light is a focus, a point of transference for the assimilation of a certain kind of subtle substance. Hence the lights in a person's lipika determine which aspects of the primeval substance of the undivine world can be attracted and which will be repelled by means of the magnetic field.
So, all of man's activity has its origin in his auric envelope, his lipika. His entire state of being is determined, fed, activated and maintained by it. His auric being gives him all impulses for action. Almost everything that dualistic man likes to call intuition, higher guidance or inspiration, stems not from divine impulses, but from the impulses of the lipika or higher self.
Hence the higher self is not supernatural, much less divine. It is the mediator between our personality and the invisible powers expressing themselves in the fallen world, causing a division between the real, divine Man and unholy duality.
This is why the student of the Universal Doctrine - the Pure Gnosis - regards the higher self as the great seducer; as Lucifer, if you like. In animating and maintaining our I (our lower self), our higher self feeds and maintains itself in the dualistic universe. To do this is its main aim, and the more brilliant its stars, the stronger will be the foundation of its existence.

*  *  *

So, what is the main characteristic of dualistic man? It is that everything hinges on his I, which constantly seeks to maintain itself. Therefore, and with regard to the sole purpose of human incarnation in the fallen world, it is of no use to cultivate the personality, even to the highest degree of refinement. It is futile to diligently practice mystical and occult techniques with the desire to achieve personal enlightenment. At the very best we will obtain more subtle ethers within our microcosmic system, but the binding with these dualistic ethers, and consequently with the undivine universe, will continue and become more profound. Therefore, cultivation of the personality can never produce any results that are able to liberate man from the fallen world.
Perhaps you may see, then, that if our I-consciousness thinks: "I want to be perfect, I want to be liberated, I want to take part in the 'Ascension Plan', I want to experience Nirvana, I want to be a lightworker", and we set to work on ourselves in self-will without any fundamental change in the orientation of our consciousness, then it will not matter what exercises or self-development techniques we use; the divine spark will still not receive any true Nourishment because the I-consciousness is only capable of attracting into the microcosmic system the forces of this dualistic universe. So instead of helping the yearning for salvation, and hence the divine spark, to grow, all techniques conceived and practised by the I, for the I, will only serve to make the personality-system and its delusion stronger and more powerful. This is why so few achieve liberation from this world of illusions, no matter how long or how many lifetimes they may spend in formal spiritual practice.
The same rule applies in serving other I's. If 'I want to help humanity' and similarly go forth in self-will, identifying with the world of the personality, then since I am still proceeding in I-consciousness, I will again be attracting into my microcosm ethers from the fallen world, for energy follows thought and what is focussed upon grows.
This is why any truly enlightened and therefore genuine spiritual Teacher always prescribes the process of fundamental reversal or neutralisation of the I. Only by breaking the ties that bind us to duality can we re-establish contact with the other Universe, with the original divine Kingdom.
If we wish to go the True Path of Return we must stop creating new karma by ceasing to react to the impulses that reach us via the lights of our lipika. This does not mean that we should resist or fight them, because resistance and fighting are also dualistic activities. In so doing, we would only succeed in repressing certain tendencies and habits, and this would inevitably lead to tensions or eruptions in some other part of the microcosm. Such phenomena may be observed manifesting in the lives of many misguided spiritual aspirants today. Neither does ceasing to react to our lipika's impulses mean feigning or cultivating indifference, because indifference is likewise a form of dualistic activity.
He who sees these facts clearly will understand why fundamental reversal is a necessity if humanity's Goal of Enlightenment, or Liberation, is to be attained. With right understanding the honest aspirant will come to clearly recognise and so loathe his present state of dependence and captivity, and consequently he will neutralise his desires and self-maintenance.
So how can this process of neutralisation be brought about? The true candidate for Liberation will no longer want his former way of living; he will give up all the would-be wisdom that he has gathered during many lifetimes; he will refrain from setting himself any further aims in duality and withdraw from the dramatic interplay of desiring, aversion and self-maintenance. In other words, he will become still and empty before God. "Only upon God my soul waits in silence." - Psalms 62. It is this rest to which we referred at the beginning of this lesson.



An interview with Sadiki Bakari

The Divine Spark

Probably everyone has had, at one time or another, the sense that there is something higher and deeper than their ordinary consciousness. They have sensed that there is a place within that is connected up with the Divine. This spiritual aspect within us is called the divine spark. In various teachings it has been called: God within, the Christ consciousness, pure mind, the monad, the will aspect, the primordial atom, the jewel in the lotus, and the true being.

This divine spark is the Real within us; it is the transcendent, spiritual, and holy aspect within the human microcosm. It is our true nature rather than the false — or rather to put it more correctly, it is the true nature of the human being that in turn has the egoic self as its false, outer appearance. In truth, God is not "within" us, but rather we are within God. Nevertheless it is our experience that the divine spark is found within.

The divine spark is a focal point of divine substance. It is, so to speak, made up of the material of the "Kingdom of God" and is inherently Nirvanic in consciousness. Being of God, it cannot synchronize with matter, but it is nevertheless surrounded and enfolded by the fallen, illusory world.

This divine spark is located in the heart, at the top of the right heart ventricle. This is the very center of the human auric field and the point around which all the human vehicles revolve. It is the sun within the human microcosm.

The divine spark is the only eternally pure element within the human nature. It is not affected by the birth or death of the body, nor by aging or disease, nor by our human thoughts or feelings.

In the vast majority of human beings, this divine spark is "asleep." That is, it is not responsive to the world, nor is it directing the human being. In these cases the consciousness or soul of the human being is fully preoccupied with the world, with appearances, and with the form aspect. The human being is looking outwards rather than inwards, and downwards to matter rather than upwards to God. These people are living what we would call a normal human existence.

At some point or another there may come a crisis in life. There may be a death of a loved one, an accident, a struggle to escape from a difficult and harmful religious, family, or cultural situation. And in each case, the inner soul arises and asks sincerely, "Who am I"? "What is God?" "What is Truth?" "What is our purpose for being here?" "How am I ever going to arise and escape from my experiencing pain and separation?" Like the prodigal son, the soul arises, becomes aware of its situation of being preoccupied with form, and seeks freedom, release, and liberation.

In these events the divine spark may awaken. The divine spark is ignited by the inner focus on God — a focus upon the divine Reality, the "Kingdom of God", upon Truth — and most especially the divine spark ignites when love for ones fellow men arises and brotherhood becomes a real experience in ones life.

Usually people begin to seek for answers to the above questions by searching through all the various teaching of the world - through religion, science, and philosophy. The seeker looks outwardly for truth, and tries to find a book, a teacher, a master, a guru, or a saint who will be able to answer all the great questions of life. Sometimes he thinks that he has found the Truth and rests satisfied, but the divine Spark within continues its quiet radiation — the desire for Truth and God urges the seeker onward — and eventually one of two things happen: the individuals thoughts crystallize and become dead and lifeless, or else the soul shatters the boundaries of dogma and thought that have held it back.

No one can really rest satisfied until the whole Truth has been revealed to their mind, and they no longer have any reason to doubt, for they KNOW and do not imagine; they SEE and do not rely on knowledge. The inner, divine spark always urges the soul onwards to God, Truth, and Reality. No image or likeness of that Reality is ever enough. No substitute is ever good enough. For the radiance of the divine spark draws the inner consciousness ever upward and onward until Truth is no theory, but rather a living experience.

The seeker then realizes that all outward seeking is in vain, and looks within to find God. The seeker then begins to hold a vertical focus that looks ever upward to God rather than outward to the world. The seeker rejects the words, the teachers, and all the world's institutions and organizations and looks instead to the wisdom of the Heart.

The divine spark may also be awakened by coming into contact with other people who already have an awakened spirit. This may occur by a seemingly chance encounter with a realized individual, by being drawn into a true School of the Mysteries, or by an encounter with a group that has been energized and activated for world service. In the last analysis it is ultimately "God that gives God"; the divine spark is ignited by a similar spark, just as one candle may be used to light a multitude of others. It is the Christ that gives us Life.

When that spiritual life awakens within us, when the divine spark is set afire, then we will never be the same again. We can never look at the world in the same way, or see our lives purely from the materialistic point of view. We have come to realize that there is more to life than being in this world, and our aspiration moves from this world to the next. We re-focus our lives around the Divine and around God, rather than focussing upon our own desires and needs. We begin to see the world as a place of service and sacrifice rather than the arena for the fulfillment of our own desires. We have, therefore, been initiated into a new consciousness and a new Life. The Way of God stretches before us.

When the divine spark awakens it begins an alchemical transformation of the human nature — body, emotions, and mind.

In physical alchemy, the desire was to take a base metal, such as lead, and turn it into gold. But here, instead of physical alchemy in a quest for wealth, we have spiritual alchemy in a quest for God. Instead of lead, we have the human body. Instead of gold we have a human being illumined by God's perfect Will, Wisdom, and Love. Instead of the "philosophers stone," which was said to be able to produce the transformation of lead into gold, we have the divine spark, which by its spiritual radiance will produce the transfiguration of man.

The radiance of the divine spark, located in the heart, is transfered to the blood via the thymus gland. The radiance changes the nature or quality of the blood that flows through the heart. It re-polarizes the blood cells so that they are synchronous with the divine Reality and with Truth rather than the world of appearances and illusion. These blood cells are then circulated throughout the body, and they subsequently feed and re-polarize all the other cells of the body. This is the basis of the saying, "The blood is the Life."

As long as we are looking toward God, as long as we retain a vertical alignment with the Divine, then the divine spark is awakened to further life. As that life becomes stronger, the radiation of the blood becomes more pronounced, and the more cells of the body are transformed and re-polarized.

As long as we look to the world and not to God, as long as we remain focused on the material, the form aspect, and with matter, the less the divine Spark can radiate. As long as we cling to the things of this world rather than the "Kingdom of God" we are in opposition to this transformative process and the cells of the body will remain polarized toward the material world. As long as we live only for our ego and for selfish desire, the radiance of the divine spark is hindered in its effects.

There is thus a constant inner transformation of the vital essence of the cells in the body. As the blood cells pass to the heart near the divine spark, they are re-polarized and re-oriented toward God. But as they continue to pass through the body and through the liver-spleen system, the cells may lose this new polarization, and re-orient themselves toward matter and illusion, due to the presence of inherent ego and selfishness.

It is, therefore, not sufficient to simply turn to God, but rather the need is to surrender ones whole life to God, so that the divine spark may fully radiate, the alchemical transformation may be complete, and the body "lifted up" to the divine. This is all dependent upon our choices — to follow our egos or to follow God, in every moment of our lives. It is our free will decision.

This is the path by which the human is transformed into the divine. This is the "rebirth" that is promised to those who surrender to God. The old, dualistic, and materialistic man decreases, and the New, divine, and transcendent man increases until liberation is achieved. The old, materialistic man is let go and dissolves, and the new, divine man arises. The divine spark now works through a body, emotions and mind that are pure receptacles for God's Purpose.

The divine spark is, therefore, the love and intelligence of Christ — that Principle existing throughout the Cosmos that draws all upward to the Divine. There is not really "your" divine spark and "my" divine spark — there is only God immanent in each human being. There is only Christ waiting for that time and that moment when the soul hears the Call and the spark may be flamed to Life. There is only One Loving Being that is present in all the multitudes of earth, and the appearance of separation is a lie.

The fallen, human consciousness speaks of "my" love, "my" evolution, "my" growth, and "my" liberation, but in truth there is no self that can own such things. There is no separated ego except in the realm of illusion and falsehood. There is in fact only Unity, Oneness, and God .





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Divine Love is not a quality of the personality. It is free from all taints and disturbances. Divine love manifests only when one is self-surrendered in the eternal moment of God. It is Christ incarnated, Grace given from that which lies beyond all grasping and conception. People confuse such blessing with the feeling states that such touches bring them. They then seek to grasp the unattainable rather the just let go and allow the ever new moment of Love to reveal itself again and again...


-In The Moment
Warren Sunkar